Do you really own your website?

Have you ever wondered if you really own your website? Having a website is critical for any business, and while most people don’t think about it, the actual control of your website is determined by the services you use to create it.

Do you really own your website?

The first item to check is the domain registration. The domain registration must be in the name of the company or a responsible person. In the case of national domain registrations (.br) the entity responsible for everything is the Go to and enter your domain. See in whose name it is registered. Note which ID is responsible for the ownership of the registration document. Also see which IDs are responsible for Administration, technical contact and financial contact. Ideally, you should have an ID for Administration and another for Financial Contact. The technical contact can even be from someone outside the company, as long as you trust them. Anyway, you can own the domain, but you don’t own the website.

After registering the domain, you need to hire hosting services. Hosting is responsible for storing your website on the internet so that it can be accessed. Hosting also provides services that ensure your website is secure and stable. Once you’ve signed up for a hosting service, you’ve taken one more step to owning the website, but you still won’t own the website.

Website hosting service is often offered in conjunction with email mailbox service. This does not preclude you from choosing to work with another independent provider to manage your email. Many companies choose to use Google or Microsoft for this. Google has one of the best email management platforms with an excellent spam filter.

After registering the domain and hiring a hosting and email service, you need to choose a CMS platform. CMS (Content Management System) is a website building platform that allows you to create, edit and manage your website. There are many different CMS platforms, each with its own features and functions. The most used platform in the world is WordPress. It is a free CMS that has constant updates to maintain security and deliver a quality and modern system. Once you’ve chosen a CMS platform, you’ve taken one more step towards being a website owner, but you still won’t be a website owner.

Building the site, even using a CMS, is quite complex and requires many plugins for a site, even a basic one, to work. Choosing these plugins, buying them in some cases, is essential for you to be closer to becoming the owner of your website. An experienced website development company makes all the difference in this choice.

Last but not least, you need to make sure your website is secure. The security of your website is essential to protect your customers’ data and to avoid hacker attacks. There are many ways to ensure your website’s security, including SSL certificates and other security measures. Once you have implemented the appropriate security measures, you will own the site, but not the owner.

As you can see, the process of creating a website is complex and requires you to use several different services. Although you own the site, it is important to understand that you do not own it. By using the right services and partners, you can ensure that your website is secure and available to your customers.

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